Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Social Significance of Having Bed Bugs

Bed bug infestations cause a physical discomfort, loss of sleep, and additionally a financial and social penalty. In the best case scenario, bed bugs cost more to eradicate than your typical insect; in the worse scenario the cost can rise sky high. A responsible assisted living center in Martin County, North Carolina willing handed over more than $100,000 to a pest control company to rid their center of bed bugs. Bed bug infestations also levy a stiff social toll when girlfriends, relatives, and friends learn that your abode is infected with the annoying bloodsuckers.

A New York comedian recently shed light on the at times painful social side effects of having bed bugs. One night the aspiring entertainer was successful in luring a new beau back to his apartment, but to his embarrassment she woke up the next morning with bed bug bites on her arms. The fragile relationship experienced difficulties to say the least. Parallel scenarios repeated themselves over and over again, eventually placing a serious burden on his social life. The apartment crisis soon cast a shadow on other social encounters. One night he was having dinner at an upscale eating establishment when a single bed bug dropped off his shirt and onto the table. It only takes one bed bug to clear a courtroom; obviously, the uninvited guest who decided to drop in for dinner was not welcome.

At times bed bug infestations can seriously strain family relations. A mother-in-law, accustomed to putting up with bed bugs, mistakenly thought her new daughter in law would feel the same way. The daughter and her husband received an invite to the parent's home for the Thanksgiving holiday. When the daughter saw the signs of bed bug bites in the morning, she moved her husband and herself to a local hotel. She threw away her entire set of luggage, and after returning home  she washed all her clothes in hot water and then dried them at high heat. The mother-in-law, who felt the response was extreme, wrote to an advice column. The newspaper columnist, however, was not sympathetic. She said the daughter's actions were appropriate. and ordered the mother-in-law  to cease finding fault with the daughter, pay her for all damages, and eradicate all the bed bugs in her home. Potentially, the advice helped to repair the relationship.

Landlord tenant relations can also significantly deteriorate, at times, when the loathsome vampire bugs are found in one of the apartments. In the very worst scenario, tenants
take their landlords to court, occasionally winning large settlements. At best landlords are more edgy as new ordinances define growing responsibilities for apartment owners whose dwelling units are bug infested.

More troublesome than the oft mentioned pain of infected bed bug bites is the social stigma and financial strain caused by this bug infestation. These two side effects of the insect plague help explain why the populace is so alarmed when the tiny bugs turn up in a dwelling. And the at times extremity of discomfort in these two factors helps illustrates why people are willing to pay large sums to get bed bugs out of their dwellings.

Resource Box:
Baltimore, Maryland Pest Control
A # 1 Pest Control of Baltimore; 7236 Park Heights Avenue; Apt. A. ,Baltimore, MD. 21208; 410-764-7500; Baltimore Exterminators

Service Keywords:
pest control, bed bugs, mouse trap, termite, bed bug treatment, bed bugs treatments, bed bugs spray, pest