Thursday, November 27, 2014

Bed Bug Awareness

Bed Bug Crawling on a Sleepers Skin
Bed bugs continue to spread around the world and are increasingly resistance to current pesticides, but tenants and municipalities are fighting back with greater bed bug awareness backed up by court actions. As public awareness of the epidemic grows, homeowners and tenants are becoming more savvy about recognizing and reporting bed bugs at an earlier stage, thereby avoiding more serious and more costly infestations. When bed bugs are not discovered and exterminated early on they can cause a serious invasion which results in property damage, psychological damage to tenants ranging from anxiety to full blown post-traumatic stress disorder, to the need for vacating the premises.

 Positive strides are definitely being made in the public awareness sectors; tenants are increasingly pressuring landlords to be responsible in carrying out bug eradication  on the premises, and some have taken landlords to court via class action suits. One recent development coming out of Perelman School of Medicine is the discovery that bed bugs may be capable of transmitting the potentially fatal Chagas disease. According to a Harvard University bed bug expert, the evidence while compelling is not conclusive. The Harvard professor added that homeowners should not overreact to the news, and should discuss any bed bug concerns with their local exterminator.A parallel rise in the American incidence of both Chagas diseases and bed bugs is suggestive of a connection; however increased migration from Latin America to the United States may also explain at least part of the rise in Chagas disease.

Conclusions that can be drawn from current bed bug trends are that a greater focus on public awareness leading to quicker reporting of bed bug sightings, and efforts to prevent bed bugs from entering the home, will help offset the growing bed bug resistance to pesticides.

The staff of A # 1 Pest Control of Baltimore are expert bed bug exterminators with more than 2 decades of service to the Baltimore community. Call 410-764-PEST for immediate service.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Thoughts About Bed Bug Treatments

No two pest control concerns have the same reasoning when it comes to getting rid of bed bugs. Dovid Davis, an entomologist and owner of A # 1 Pest Control, a Baltimore pest control company is a particularly opinionated and outspoken individual and describes his bed bug eradication principles in a very pleasing way.

Dovid makes the point in numerous ways that his company focuses on treating with pesticides that have effects that continue for months after the treatment. This means the first bed bug treatment will keep working for up to 90 days or more when combined with high temperature washing and drying of clothing and bedding plus diligent household cleaning.

A # 1 Pest Control does not dispute the effectiveness of foggers and heat treatments. The company doesn't use them only because they are temporary kills, and Dovid is partial to treating with long lasting pesticides. However, when they are hired to treat a small area such as a single room or small dwelling unit, they will exterminate in the whole area and save the expense of using a bed bug sniffing dog.

The initial bed bug treatment often clears up the problem completely, but if not the company does offer follow up treatments as needed. If you live in the Baltimore area and need bed bug treatment, be sure to call the company office at 410-764-7500.

I think you can tell already, that director Dovid Davis understands every type of bed bug treatment. The company's decision to not use foggers and heat treatments is clearly based on a well thought out consideration of their uses and limitations. The company also employs bed bug sniffing dogs, but rightfully concludes that the dog's greatest contribution to pest eradication l is locating the bugs when the area infested is large.  The company director likes to use the strongest available pesticides, and to treat with residuals so that his treatment will retain their effectiveness for as long as possible. In short, by selecting A # 1 Pest Control for your personal pest eradication needs, you will be assured of getting a treatment based on sound intellectual principles.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Bed Bug Control Baltimore; 410-764-PEST

Dovid has a unique gift and offers insights about the various types of bed bug treatments that you won't hear anywhere else.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

How Exterminators Block up Mice And Rat Entryways

If you hire someone to get rid of the rodents in your dwelling, be sure he also checks for and blocks mice and rat entry points. While rodents mostly dwell outdoors, by nature, they are also drawn to human dwellings, warm winter houses with a ready supply of food.

Rats and especially mice are dexterous critters that can squeeze into tiny cracks and holes. Rats and mice enter homes beneath doors, through open windows, by crawling along pipes that pierce walls, by way of thin chewable material such as walls, and via burrowing through subterranean passageways.

Because rodents have teeth that can chew through flimsy wall material such as cardboard, wallboard, plaster, and thin wood, their entry points must be clogged with steel wool, metal, or concrete. Examine the following original photos from A # 1 Pest Control to see how pest exterminators use concrete to block rodent entry points.

Boarding up a pipe hole

mice exclusion Baltimore

Notice the picture to the left. Plumbing pipes come in the dwelling through the wall and are completely enclosed by concrete. The concrete is packed around the pipe and stops up the hole that the pipe exits from. This protection totally blocks this former rodent access point. If a homeowner had enclosed the pipe with plaster, it might block rodent entrance for a while, but eventually they would gnaw though the dried plaster and open the entrance point once again. The concrete, on the other hand, will stand up against any attempt by the rodents to chew through it with their sharp teeth.

Outside rat burrow that has been filled with cement

blocked up rodent hole baltimore

Notice that the big hole in the grass has been filled up with concrete. That was once a rat entrance hole that an industrious rodent dug through the earth and extended underground until it got to pipes or other types of entryway into the dwelling. If A # 1 Pest Control - Harrisburg had not blocked up that hole, rats would have continued coursing into the nearby house through their improvised tunnel.

Resource Box:
Baltimore, Md. Pest Control
A # 1 Pest Control of Baltimore; 7236 Park Heights Avenue; Apt. A. ,Baltimore, MD. 21208; 410-764-7500; Baltimore, Md. Pest Control Baltimore, Md. Pest Control

pest control, termites, rats, termite, termite treatment, rat poison, mouse traps, pest