Sunday, December 29, 2013

Bed Bug Photos - Bed Bugs in Mattress Seams

No surprises here, bed bugs love to hang out around matress seams. That's a nice quiet protected place during the day, and keeps them within easy shot of the victim's arm at night.

This photo shows another mattress seam infested with bed bugs. Notice the bed bug defication on the matress around the seam. This mostly consists of dried blood. It becomes food for bed bug larvae. The seam itself is full of shed bed bug skins. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

The Social Significance of Having Bed Bugs

Bed bug infestations cause a physical discomfort, loss of sleep, and additionally a financial and social penalty. In the best case scenario, bed bugs cost more to eradicate than your typical insect; in the worse scenario the cost can rise sky high. A responsible assisted living center in Martin County, North Carolina willing handed over more than $100,000 to a pest control company to rid their center of bed bugs. Bed bug infestations also levy a stiff social toll when girlfriends, relatives, and friends learn that your abode is infected with the annoying bloodsuckers.

A New York comedian recently shed light on the at times painful social side effects of having bed bugs. One night the aspiring entertainer was successful in luring a new beau back to his apartment, but to his embarrassment she woke up the next morning with bed bug bites on her arms. The fragile relationship experienced difficulties to say the least. Parallel scenarios repeated themselves over and over again, eventually placing a serious burden on his social life. The apartment crisis soon cast a shadow on other social encounters. One night he was having dinner at an upscale eating establishment when a single bed bug dropped off his shirt and onto the table. It only takes one bed bug to clear a courtroom; obviously, the uninvited guest who decided to drop in for dinner was not welcome.

At times bed bug infestations can seriously strain family relations. A mother-in-law, accustomed to putting up with bed bugs, mistakenly thought her new daughter in law would feel the same way. The daughter and her husband received an invite to the parent's home for the Thanksgiving holiday. When the daughter saw the signs of bed bug bites in the morning, she moved her husband and herself to a local hotel. She threw away her entire set of luggage, and after returning home  she washed all her clothes in hot water and then dried them at high heat. The mother-in-law, who felt the response was extreme, wrote to an advice column. The newspaper columnist, however, was not sympathetic. She said the daughter's actions were appropriate. and ordered the mother-in-law  to cease finding fault with the daughter, pay her for all damages, and eradicate all the bed bugs in her home. Potentially, the advice helped to repair the relationship.

Landlord tenant relations can also significantly deteriorate, at times, when the loathsome vampire bugs are found in one of the apartments. In the very worst scenario, tenants
take their landlords to court, occasionally winning large settlements. At best landlords are more edgy as new ordinances define growing responsibilities for apartment owners whose dwelling units are bug infested.

More troublesome than the oft mentioned pain of infected bed bug bites is the social stigma and financial strain caused by this bug infestation. These two side effects of the insect plague help explain why the populace is so alarmed when the tiny bugs turn up in a dwelling. And the at times extremity of discomfort in these two factors helps illustrates why people are willing to pay large sums to get bed bugs out of their dwellings.

Resource Box:
Baltimore, Maryland Pest Control
A # 1 Pest Control of Baltimore; 7236 Park Heights Avenue; Apt. A. ,Baltimore, MD. 21208; 410-764-7500; Baltimore Exterminators

Service Keywords:
pest control, bed bugs, mouse trap, termite, bed bug treatment, bed bugs treatments, bed bugs spray, pest

Friday, August 23, 2013

Copy of Bed Bug Treatment Video - Baltimore

Copy of Bed Bug Treatment Video- Baltimore

This is our latest video. It features some of the signs of a bed bug infestation including blood stains from squashed bed bugs and shed bed bug skins on mattresses.

A # 1 Pest Control of Baltimore; 7236 Park Heights Avenue; Apt. A. ,Baltimore, MD. 21208; 410-764-7500; Baltimore, Maryland Pesticide Handlers">Baltimore Pesticide Handlers Baltimore Extermination">Baltimore Exterminators

Service Keywords:
exterminator, bed bugs, mouse trap, pesticides, termite treatment, bed bugs treatments, bed bugs spray, pest

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

How You Can Avoid Getting Bit by Bed Bugs in Public Places

bed bug controlBed bug infestations are on the rise this summer as people travel and spend more time in public places. As an example, youth group orchestra members on tour recently experienced numerous bed bug bites during a four day stay at the Ramada Inn in Florence, Ky.

Some bed bug bite victims gain comfort by winning large settlements in courts, but most people want immediate protection from the annoyance and this involves a careful prevention plan. Just now summer travel is near its peak and dormitory living just around the corner, so reviewing bed bug prevention techniques is sensible.

Most bed bugs are located within a few feet of a bed, so reducing clutter on the floor near the sleeping area is paramount. Rule number one, carefully check out a public sleeping area such as a hotel or motel room, before taking it over. Bed bugs are tiny watermelon sized flat bugs that puff up and take on a reddish hue after a blood meal. They are usually found in mattress seams, on mattresses, behind the bed boards, on the carpet near the bed, on objects sitting on the floor near the bed, or on upholstered furniture in the room. Sometimes you might see live bed bugs , but mostly you'll notice shed bed bug skins, blood on a mattress where a bed bug was squashed during the night, or dried blood colored bed bug fecal stains on mattresses..

If you fail to find bed bugs, then it is safe to sleep in the room, but more precautions should be taken. Put your baggage on luggage racks and not directly on the floor. If there are no luggage racks you may place your luggage in the bathroom. Place fresh clothes on hangers, and place dirty clothes in closed plastic bags, not on the floor. After taking off your clothes at night, inspect them for bed bugs. When you get back from your trip, kill bed bugs in your clothes by washing them in hot water and placing them in the dryer on highest heat for at least 20 minutes. Luggage should be inspected for bed bugs before being allowed back into the home.

Living in a college dormitory requires further precautions. Any second hand furniture should be carerfully examined for bed bugs before being brought into the dorm. Sheets and bedding should be placed on the bed rather than on the floor. Clutter should be removed from around the bed and a careful search for bed bugs should be completed in the room before moving in.

If bed bugs are seen in a hotel room, the patrons should request another room. If you find bed bugs in your dormitory, contact the dorm authorities and ask for a new room. Unpleasant bed bug bites can take a lot of the fun out of vacations, and can interfere with a college students needed rest and concentration. The first step in bed bug control is bed bug prevention. Therefore it is well worth the effort to take a few minutes to check carefully for evidence of bed bugs in your room.

Baltimore, Md. Pest Control
A # 1 Pest Control of Baltimore; 7236 Park Heights Avenue; Apt. A. ,Baltimore, MD. 21208; 410-764-7500; Baltimore, Maryland Pest Control">Baltimore, Maryland Pest Management

Service Keywords:
pest control, bed bugs, rats, termite, termite treatment, rat poison, bed bugs spray, pest

Monday, July 29, 2013

Home Made Mosquito Repellent and West Nile Virus

From June to September, cases of West Nile virus fever are reported throughout North America. West Nile Fever is caused by a flavovirus, which is transmitted by mosquitoes who feed on birds and then humans. Most cases are without symptoms; however, approximately 10-20 % of people who contract the virus do have symptoms that include abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, headache, lack of appetite, muscle aches, nausea, rash, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, and vomiting. Less than one percent of infected individuals go on to develop a neurological condition. Neurological disease manifests as either West Nile Encephalitis or West Nile Meningitis. Symptoms may include confusion, loss of consciousness, muscle weakness, stiffness, and weakness of an arm or leg. Approximately 1 in 10 patients who develop brain inflamation will die.

Efforts to prevent West Nile Virus infection include attempts to remove mosquito breeding areas and keep mosquitoes from flying into the home. Mosquito larva grow in standing water, so eliminating standing water around the house reduces the quantity of mosquitoes in the area. Insecticide spraying can further decrease the mosquito population. Proper use of backyard mosquito eradication, as practiced by pest control specialists, can further reduce the number of mosquitoes. Installing window screens can stop mosquitoes from entering the home. The last line of defence in the war against mosquito bites is to take personal precautions. When anyone knows they will be in a locale where there are mosquitoes, he or she should wear long pants, and put on a shirt with long sleeves. Everyone should spray themselves with an approved mosquito repellent. It is critical to remember that mosquitoes can bite thorugh thin clothes, so if you are wearing thin apparel you should spray them as well as your self.

Dovid Davis, the Director of A # 1 Pest Contol suggests using the following home-made mosquito repellent , which employs chemicals in fabric softener that drive off mosquitoes. People can take advantage of this fact by putting the suit of clothing they are planning to wear to a mosquito infected area in a dryer along with 2 strips of fabric softener. They should run the dryer for about 10 minutes, long enough for the active substance in the fabric softener to permeate the clothing. According to Dovid, mosquitoes will not approach a person wearing those clothes.

Baltimore, Maryland Pesticide Handlers
A # 1 Pest Control of Baltimore; 7236 Park Heights Avenue; Apt. A. ,Baltimore, MD. 21208; 410-764-7500;

Service Words:
pest control, bed bugs, rats, pesticides, termite treatment, bed bugs treatments, mouse traps, termite inspection

Monday, July 15, 2013

Natural Remedies for Mosquitoes

Today, I had the chance to converse with Dovid Davis, the Director of A # 1 Pest Control in Baltimore Maryland, and Dovid talked to me about what's going on with mosquitoes. This year, he pointed out, we're having a hot summer and one of its characteristics is the mixture of periods of hot dry weather and  periods of heavy rainstorms and downpour, which is good for causing mosquitoes to increase. Mosquito larvae typically live in any container that has a minimum of two teaspoons of liquid, and that can be an empty soda can or it can be a swimming pool that you are not using.

Dovid mentioned that he gets calls from homeowners wanting to know if he can treat their yard to eradicate the misquitos. Dovid does offer this treatment, and it will help for a few days, providing coverage for an outdoor wedding or party, for example. Yet it won't provide a permanent relief from the misquitoes. There is, at this time, no effective pesticide treatment that provides long lasting protection against the mosquito. If a pest specialist treats with insecticides in your backyard, for example, it may provide enough relief to cover an outdoor party, but after 48 hours mosquitoes start to return. If it should rain during the 2 days after the treatment than it will weaken but not do away with the effectiveness of the treatment.

If you take preventative measures in your yard, to remove all mosquitoe breeding areas, but there are nearby misquitoe breeding areas, then despite your efforts the mosquitoes will come back. So for example, if your next door neighbor has a body of standing water on the far side of your fence, the mosquitoes will simply fly over the fence and repopulate your yard.

So what treatments does Dovid recommend. Dovid pointed out that mosquitoes hone in on people based on the CO2 levels in expired air. The CO2 levels in the air people breathe creates a powerful attraction for mosquitoes. So the question is what can we do to repel misquitoes and Dovid described a type of repellant. First off Dovid made two suggestions for repelling misquitoes naturally, people shouldn't wear bright clothes and they should put a type of ointment on their skin. A natural way of doing this is to take a fabric softener that you use to treat your clothes, prior to wearing them, All you have to do, according to Dovid, is put two sheets of fabric softener in a dryer with the outfit you are about to put on. The fabric softener chemicals become absorbed in the clothes and act as an excellent natural mosquito repellant, According to Dovid, as long as you are wearing fabric softener treated clothing, you won't be approached by a misquito.

Baltimore, Maryland Exterminator
A # 1 Pest Control of Baltimore; 7236 Park Heights Avenue; Apt. A. ,Baltimore, MD. 21208; 410-764-7500; Baltimore, Maryland Pest Management Baltimore, Maryland Pest Control

Service Words:
exterminator, bed bugs, mouse trap, termite, bed bug treatment, rat poison, mouse traps, termite inspection

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Accomplishing Total Bed Bug Eradication

Knocking out your household's bed bugs in a manor that ensures they won't return (total bedbug eradication) is the final difficulty in bed bug control. Etymologically speaking, eradication represents the complete uprooting of a thing. Bed bugs are tiny but hardy little blood suckers that are hard to weed out once ensconced in the home. The tiny obnoxious critters can squeeze into tight places such as between two pages of a book, in an electric socket, and most especially in the seams of a mattress or a typical piece of household furniture. It is so difficult to extirpate these tiny insects, once nested in a mattress seam that many exterminators will recommend replacement of the infested mattress. But not everyone can afford such a drastic solution, so they will opt for thorough pesticide application instead. Bed bug deracination does not stop at insecticide application. It is important to wash all clothes that may have been in contact with the bugs, in very hot water. By washing the clothes in a washing machine using the hottest possible water, it will be possible to kill bed bugs and bed bug eggs.

Almost every single bug needs to be killed to achieve complete weed out because it only takes one pregnant female to infest or re-infest a household. The amount of pesticide that a pest control specialist will use to treat bed bugs is at least double the amount he will use for normal bug treatments. The technician will also apply special treatments to the bed and mattress area and any other infested furniture in the home.

Bed bugs can be eradicated from the house. Success requires cooperation between members of the household and the entomologist, and vigilance on the part of everyone living in the bed bug infested household. Achieving total success will frequently necessitate additional treatments. Over time, however, a relentless program to weed out the tiny pests will prevail.

Baltimore, Maryland Extermination
A # 1 Pest Control of Baltimore; 7236 Park Heights Avenue; Baltimore Apt. A., MD. 21208; 410-764-7500; Baltimore, Maryland Extermination Baltimore, Md. Pesticide Handlers

Service Words:
exterminator, bed bugs, rats, pesticides, termite treatment, rat poison, bed bugs spray, pest