Monday, July 15, 2013

Natural Remedies for Mosquitoes

Today, I had the chance to converse with Dovid Davis, the Director of A # 1 Pest Control in Baltimore Maryland, and Dovid talked to me about what's going on with mosquitoes. This year, he pointed out, we're having a hot summer and one of its characteristics is the mixture of periods of hot dry weather and  periods of heavy rainstorms and downpour, which is good for causing mosquitoes to increase. Mosquito larvae typically live in any container that has a minimum of two teaspoons of liquid, and that can be an empty soda can or it can be a swimming pool that you are not using.

Dovid mentioned that he gets calls from homeowners wanting to know if he can treat their yard to eradicate the misquitos. Dovid does offer this treatment, and it will help for a few days, providing coverage for an outdoor wedding or party, for example. Yet it won't provide a permanent relief from the misquitoes. There is, at this time, no effective pesticide treatment that provides long lasting protection against the mosquito. If a pest specialist treats with insecticides in your backyard, for example, it may provide enough relief to cover an outdoor party, but after 48 hours mosquitoes start to return. If it should rain during the 2 days after the treatment than it will weaken but not do away with the effectiveness of the treatment.

If you take preventative measures in your yard, to remove all mosquitoe breeding areas, but there are nearby misquitoe breeding areas, then despite your efforts the mosquitoes will come back. So for example, if your next door neighbor has a body of standing water on the far side of your fence, the mosquitoes will simply fly over the fence and repopulate your yard.

So what treatments does Dovid recommend. Dovid pointed out that mosquitoes hone in on people based on the CO2 levels in expired air. The CO2 levels in the air people breathe creates a powerful attraction for mosquitoes. So the question is what can we do to repel misquitoes and Dovid described a type of repellant. First off Dovid made two suggestions for repelling misquitoes naturally, people shouldn't wear bright clothes and they should put a type of ointment on their skin. A natural way of doing this is to take a fabric softener that you use to treat your clothes, prior to wearing them, All you have to do, according to Dovid, is put two sheets of fabric softener in a dryer with the outfit you are about to put on. The fabric softener chemicals become absorbed in the clothes and act as an excellent natural mosquito repellant, According to Dovid, as long as you are wearing fabric softener treated clothing, you won't be approached by a misquito.

Baltimore, Maryland Exterminator
A # 1 Pest Control of Baltimore; 7236 Park Heights Avenue; Apt. A. ,Baltimore, MD. 21208; 410-764-7500; Baltimore, Maryland Pest Management Baltimore, Maryland Pest Control

Service Words:
exterminator, bed bugs, mouse trap, termite, bed bug treatment, rat poison, mouse traps, termite inspection

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